WelcomeMission StatementInvestigative ServicesAffiliationsContact Information

Investigations involving minor or teenage children can and will be emotional for all parties involved.  Our investigators will be and impartial witness to conditions that might render a parent, legal guardian, court appointed guardian or court appointed monitor unfit including physical or mental abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism and exposing the minor or teenage children at risk or an unhealthy environment.

An investigation into the matter can accumulate sufficient evidence for a parent and/or family member to petition for custody of the minor or teenage children. Proof Positive child custody investigations are designed to assist you in proving what is in the "best interest of the minor child".

If your attorney believes it's time to initiate an investigation in preparation for a child custody battle in the courts, please contact our office for more information and a free consultation.  We will work closely with your attorney in helping them build an effective case for you.

"Protecting children is our priority, we understand because we're parents too!"
645 West 9th Street, Unit 110, Suite 181, Los Angeles, California 90015
Telephone: (323) 974-3208 